Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Sarah Coleman Has Rightly Become Famous" says Computer Arts, in whose July edition I'm chuntering on again for their Illustration edition.

They're deluded, of course, but I have contributed a fair chunk of energy to the pen'n'ink cause over the years. The mag dissects three media; Bold Vectors, Glorious 3D and Beautiful Ink, the one I'm in. They asked me about my working process, and here's a quote (in which I'm referred to rather unnervingly as just 'Coleman'):

'It all stems from her Dad, Coleman says, who would produce titles for the cine films he made. "He had some original Witch pens - short for William Mitchell - and he lent them to me with his bottle of Quink", she explains. "I still use them to this day. I think he thought he'd get them back at some point!" laughs Coleman.'

If you want to read the rest of the article, which also has some very luscious drawing by Izzie Klingels on the next page (don't see a lot that really stops me in my tracks, but this did), the magazine's on sale for another two weeks or so.

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