Monday, January 23, 2012

A marriage in type.

At the end of last year I made this illustration for my friend Emma, resident of Portugal but one of those people at school everyone knew and liked, and who I've managed to stay in touch with courtesy of Facebook's less sinister facilities.

She's been married to Lawrence for a long time, and they've lived...all over the place. She wanted this capturing for their fifteenth wedding anniversary, and I was happy to do it.

This was tricky as it wasn't a piece to be scanned and digitised; the real thing was to be posted to her, warts and all. That meant no Control-Z. It also meant using colours first-hand, which was great as I got to break out the 20 or so Ecoline colours I had delivered a couple of months ago. It's good to be reminded you can do things like this, even when you're painfully aware of how much you've come to rely on the ease of a sneaky patch tool and eraser.

I really, really enjoyed it, and happily Lawrence was very pleased with his surprise.

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